Enhanced switching ratio and subthreshold swing analysis of different gate dielectric materials effect on OFET performance
Pentacene, OFET, Al2O3, PVAAbstract
Organic field-effect transistors (OFET) have gained significant interest for their potential in low-cost, large-scale, flexible, and printable electronic devices. However, they face numerous significant challenges, such as high operating voltage and leakage current. This study investigates the impact of using high-dielectric constant materials as gate dielectrics on the performance of OFETs. The goal is to improve OFETs by lowering the operating voltages using high gate dielectric organic and inorganic materials. Aluminum dioxide (Al2O3) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were selected as the gate dielectrics due to their favorable properties. MATLAB was used to model and study the electrical characteristics of the device. The device demonstrated typical p-type channel behavior with increasing negative gate bias voltage values. The device shows a clear enhancement using a bilayer of PVA/Al2O3 against the monolayer. The results show that the device saturation regime has a high value of on/off ratio (Ion/Ioff), transconductance (gm), and lower subthreshold swing (SS) of 8.05 x10 2 -3 , 4.19x10 A/V, 1.52. These values indicate that organic materials can potentially produce organic electronic device applications.
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