Instructions for Authors

Types of Articles

ETN accepts submission in the form of reviews, articles, short communications and selected conference papers:

Review paper – The article should comprehensively cover a subject of current interest, summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic. It surveys and summarizes previously published studies and should comprise around 8000 – 10000 words and be extensively referenced.

Research paper – The article should describe the original research work which not previously published and should be a complete description of full investigations. Typically, it should comprise around 5000 words.

Short Communication – The article should be a concise description of a limited original investigation with not more than 3000 words.

Conference Paper – Selected conference papers can be published in ETN’s special edition, subjected to terms and conditions based on prior discussion with Editor-in-Chief.


Declaration of Interest and Verification of Originality

All authors must reveal any relationship with other parties that may possibly influence their opinion and conclusion such as employment, funding, honorarium, consultation and such. Manuscript submissions imply that the work described has not been previously published in any medium in any language, or under consideration for publication elsewhere. ETN’s editor may check and verify the originality of the submitted manuscript using Turnitin service.


Change of Authorship

Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and must be agreed by all authors in written confirmation.



A manuscript must be prepared in Microsoft Word Format and should be submitted to ETN via email [email protected] The manuscript should be written in English and must follow the same general style as will be described later in this document. The publisher will edit your file to make sure every article follows the same style. Figures in jpg format should include into your manuscript.


Manuscript Structure

Submission of Manuscripts

  • Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by our journal or any other publisher.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in English with a cover letter to [email protected].
  • MS Word (all versions) files are preferred. Manuscripts prepared with other software and computers may export the full text (with figures, schemes and tables inserted into the text) to a MS Word format (either for Macintosh or for Windows).
  • The authors should recommend in cover letter at least 3 potential referees.
  • After submission, each manuscript will be assigned an editorial number those authors should use in all correspondence with journal staff.


Cover Letter

Include a cover letter and complete contact information for the corresponding author (postal/mail address, e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers).

Paper Structure

  • Title
  • Authors: Author’s name and affiliations, email address
  • Abstract: An abstract stating the features and drawing attention to the novel aspects.
    • Keywords: Up to 5 keywords or key phrases, indicating the topic of importance in the work.
  • Introduction: The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications should be cited. The authors should describe aim of investigation, too.
  • Experimental or Theoretical: This section may be divided by subheadings. The authors should describe used methods and material in detail.
  • Results and Discussion: This section may be divided by subheadings. The authors should provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results as well as their interpretation. Authors should discuss the results and compare with previous studies.
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • References: References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text and the full references should be listed in the same order at the end of the article in the following form:

      [1] A. B. Author, B. C. Author and C. D. Author, Journal Title, volume (year) first page
      [2] C. D. Author, Book Title, Publisher, Location, Country (year)
      [3] E. F. Author, Paper Title, Symposium Title, Location, Country (year) page

The authors should use the following parameters for manuscript preparation: Manuscripts should be prepared with a MS word processor. For A4 paper, the margins should be 1.5 cm on top, 2.5 cm at the bottom and 1.75 cm on both left and right sides of the paper. Tables and figures should be included in main text.

Preparation of Figures and Tables

All figures and tables should be included in the MS Word DOC file of the manuscript. Figures and tables should not be submitted in separate files. All figures and tables should be cited in the paper in a consecutive order. Every table and figure must have a descriptive caption. The authors should put the units in the column heading. The authors should use MS Word “insert table” option for table creation, and graphical software for figures.


Peer Review

All submitted manuscript will be preliminary checked by technical editor to determine whether it is properly prepared. Manuscript that are not prepared in accordance with author instructions will be returned to the authors for revision and resubmission. Afterwards, the technical editor will be checking every manuscript by Turnitin similarity detection service. Turnitin reports and manuscripts will be sent to editor-in-chief to preliminary consideration. They will determine whether the manuscript fits the scope of the journal and whether it has scientific importance. Based on Turnitin reports and preliminary evaluation, the editor-in-chief will decide whether the manuscript will be sent to Peer-Review or rejected.

All manuscripts that have passed the initial inspection will be assigned to independent reviewers to peer review. The reviewers that were suggested by the authors can also be considered, but they should not have published with any of the authors. Editor-in-chief gives comments about the manuscript, too. Based on the comments and referee’s reports will be make decision to accept, revise (minor and major revision) and reject. The revised papers will be considered by editor-in-chief. Final decision about accepting or rejecting will be verified by editor-in chief.


Proofs should be carefully checked by corresponding Author and returned on time to Editors.

Paper Processing Charge

Publication fee is USD300 per one published paper.


Open Access authors retain the copyrights of their papers, and all open access papers are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Please refer to Manuscript Template.

Important Note:

All manuscripts submitted to the ETN are subject to the plagiarism check by using iThenticate  checker where the similarity index should be below 20%. Any manuscript with similarity index more than 30% is subject to the immediate reject by the editors. Manuscripts with similarity index between 20-30% are given one chance for correction. In case that any manipulation is proven with the aim of circumventing the plagiarism program, the manuscript will be rejected and researchers participating in the manuscript are prohibited from publishing in the journal in the future. At the same time, the ETN will formally notify the researchers’ affiliation with the subject so that the appropriate legal action can be taken according to the instructions and laws of that authority.

All correspondence should be addressed to: [email protected]