Characterization of several nano electro kinetic and plasma thrusters’ models


  • Hayder Ridha Ali Department of Astronomy and Space, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Waleed Ibrahim Yaseen Department of Astronomy and Space, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Author



Electric plasma, Electric thrusters, Electric propulsion systems


Electric propulsion systems of various types are among the technologies being developed to increase their efficiency in various space missions. Since work on it began in the 1960s, its use on board satellites, orbital platforms, and interplanetary probes has increased significantly later. In this article, we will review the advantages of electric propulsion. The most important types used in space propulsion in terms of composition and the mechanism of operation of each type. In our current work, several simple models of ion engines are designed and built without using a magnetic field or control grids while using atmospheric air as fuel. The other part of the work is to design and build an ion engine that uses argon gas as fuel. It operates in a gas atmosphere and can be used in a vacuum chamber as a simulation of outer space. This type of engine uses strong magnetic fields and grids to control the direction of electrons and ions inside the engine. High voltage is used to generate plasma inside the engine and low voltage to generate a potential difference on the control grids. There is also another type of space propulsion system known as the Nano electrokinetic thruster, which operates on the electro-osmosis flow concept. However, because of the difficulty in producing the required carbon
nanotubes, it remains a theoretical thruster. 


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How to Cite

Characterization of several nano electro kinetic and plasma thrusters’ models. (2025). Experimental and Theoretical NANOTECHNOLOGY, 9(2), 209-226.