Preparation, characterization and absorption of Li2MnO3 - carbon – poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites for lithium- ion batteries under different pH level
Preparation, Absorption, NanocompositesAbstract
Transition-metal layer Li2MnO3 (LMO) prepared using the Sol-Gel process for use in energy systems as cathode in Li- ion batteries. Structural properties are studied for LMO powders using Diffraction of Xrays (XRD).The findings suggest that a crystalline monoclinic phase is displayed durin g the production of LMO. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) shows that the average diameter is 45.71nm
for LMO. Scanning Electron Microscopies (SEM) for LMO shows uniform spherical structures. The thermal analysis is done by using thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), revealed that LMO is thermally stable, the melting temperature is 912.96°C and the crystallization temperature is 295.41°C. The aim of this study is to enhance the absorption of electrodes by the variation of p H by Electrodes absorption measurement for LMO with different percentages of PVDF and activated carbon are measured, LMO nanocomposites shows higher ability to absorb in acidic solutions.
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