Analysis and characterization of molybdenum-doped cadmium oxide


  • M. Tadres Departamento de Física, Universidad Iberoamericana, Santa Fé 012100, DF, México Author



Cu2CdSnS4, Nanostructures, Optical; Structural, Electrical


Molybdenum-doped cadmium oxide films were prepared by a spray pyrolysis technique at substrate temperature of 300 °C. The effect of doping on structural, electrical and optical properties were studied. X-ray analysis shows that the undoped CdO films are preferentially oriented along the (111) crystallographic direction. Molybdenum doping concentration increases the films’ packing density and reorients the crystallites along the (200) plane. A minimum resistivity of 4.68 10−4 Q cm with a maxi- mum mobility of 75 cm2 V−1 s−1 is achieved when the CdO film is doped with 0.5 wt.% Mo. The band-gap value is found to increase with doping and reaches a maximum of 2.56 eV for 0.75 wt.% as compared to undoped films of 2.2 eV.


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How to Cite

Analysis and characterization of molybdenum-doped cadmium oxide . (2024). Experimental and Theoretical NANOTECHNOLOGY, 8(1), 11-16.